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University Authors
The University Authors Recognition Program honors academic and creative works published by Montclair State University faculty, staff, and administrators.
Annual Publications
Translation Titles (2023)
Architects of the Imaginary / Los arquitectos de lo imaginario
Marta Lopez-Luaces; G. J. Racz (Translator)
Translation of: Los arquitectos de lo imaginario
ISBN: 9781940724386
Publication Date: 2022
Professor Lopez-Luaces is in the Department of Spanish and Latino Studies
Il mistero del massacro di Katyn : le prove, la soluzione
Grover Furr
Italian translation of: "The mystery of the Katyn Massacre, the evidence, the solution"
ISBN: 9798367755510
Publication Date: 2022
Professor Furr is in the Department of English
Kruscev mentì : la dimostrazione che tutte le "rivelazioni" sui "crimini" di Stalin (e di Beria) contenute nel famigerato "Rapporto segreto" di Nikita Kruscev al XX Congresso del Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica Il 25 febbraio 1956 sono false
Grover Furr
Italian translation of: Khrushchev lied, the evidence that every "revelation" of Stalin's (and Beria's) "crimes" in Nikita Khrushchev's infamous "secret speech" to the 20th party congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, is provably false
ISBN: 9798361271504
Publication Date: 2022
Professor Furr is in the Department of English
L'inganno del "testamento di Lenin" : basato sulle ricerche di Valentin A. Sakharov con capitoli sulle falsificazioni di Moshe Lewin e sulle bugie di Leon Trotsky
Grover Furr
Italian translation of: The fraud of the "testament of Lenin", based on the research of Valentin A. Sakharov, with chapters on Moshe Lewin's falsifications and Leon Trotsky's lies
ISBN: 9798356489112
Publication Date: 2022
Professor Furr is in the Department of English
Leo Trotzkis Kollaboration mit Deutschland und Japan
Grover Furr
German translation of: Leon Trotsky's collaboration with Germany and Japan, Trotsky's conspiracies, Volume Two
ISBN: 9783982451206
Publication Date: 2022
Professor Furr is in the Department of English
Záhada masakry v Katyni
Grover Furr
Slovak translation of: "The mystery of the Katyn Massacre, the evidence, the solution"
ISBN: 9788082230614
Publication Date: 2021
Professor Furr is in the Department of English
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