You can add a librarian to any of your Canvas courses. This is particularly helpful if your students' coursework involves a lot of research and could benefit from a librarian's help. Please contact the librarian beforehand to let them know you would like to add them to your course.
To add a librarian to your Canvas course:
1. Determine the librarian you would like to add to your course and have their email address ready.
2. In the left nav for your Canvas course, click the People link.
3. Click the blue Add People button (top right).
4. To add the librarian, Select the LoginID radio button and then search for them by their Net-ID (first part of the email address).
5. In the Role drop-down menu, select the Librarian role and in the Section drop-down menu, select a section of the course. Then click Next.
6. A box will appear with the librarian's name. In this box, click on Add Users.