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Digital Commons

Guide to Digital Commons at Montclair State University

What is the Montclair State Digital Commons?

The mission of the Montclair State University Digital Commons is to collect, preserve, and make accessible, scholarly and creative works, research data, and other materials produced by the faculty, staff and students of Montclair State University. A service of Montclair State University Libraries, the repository provides free, worldwide access to the scholarly, creative, and cultural works of Montclair State University.

Reasons to submit your work

As an institutional repository, Montclair State University Digital Commons is a hub to showcase the breadth of research and scholarship at Montclair State University. Contributing your work to our institutional repository will greatly increase the discoverability and accessibility of your work. The benefits of contributing your work to the Montclair State University institutional repository are:

  1. Increased visibility of your work through search engine optimization, including Google Scholar and major search engines.
  2. Increased accessibility of your scholarship through unique, persistent URLs that will eliminate the concern of “dead links” on other web sites.
  3. A centralized location for all of your scholarship – both published and unpublished, as a compliment to existing print and electronic publications. Supplemental content can be uploaded to provide additional information and context.
  4. Ability to create reports to indicate timely impact of your work, including views, downloads, and how your work was found.
  5. Ease of publicizing your work through mailing lists, social media buttons, and RSS feeds.

Digital Commons Readership Map

Portions of this guide have been copied and modified with permission from the Molloy College Digital Commons LibGuide.

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