This data management guide provides you with practical information on how to manage your research data by defining data management, providing examples of data management plan (DMP), and listing relevant data repositories for the storage of published data.
A data management plan (DMP) is a formal document that outlines what you will do with your data during and after a research project. The DMP describes your practices for collecting, organizing, backing up, and storing your research data. Many funding agencies require that researchers write a DMP.
To help you begin writing a DMP, the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (ORSP) provides some resources and examples to give you an idea of what a DMP entails
OSRP resources and examples:
Data repositories increase the visibility and accessibility of your research to a broader audience. Additionally, repositories manage and maintain your data thus ensuring long term access.
If your discipline already has a repository in place for research data, consider depositing your data there first. Discipline-specific repositories are often better able to accommodate specific data archiving needs and may provide an ideal archiving solution for your research data. If your discipline lacks an established repository, or if using existing repositories would not fulfill funder requirements for public access, consider the Montclair State University Institutional Repository. Note: if you deposit your data in an external repository, you may also provide a link to that data within the Montclair Institutional Repository.
Please review Montclair State University's Data Transfer and Usage Agreements (DTUAs) for more information.
The Montclair State University Institutional Repository is a repository for digital research data generated by Montclair faculty and staff. Managed by Sprague Library, the Repository provides long-term digital preservation and open access to data.
The Repository is intended for the deposit of Montclair created digital research data that is in a finished, distributable state. The software accepts a wide variety of of research data and file formats; however, some types of data, such as protected health information and personally identifiable human subjects data, are not appropriate for deposit at this time.
A selection (not intended to be comprehensive) of publicly accessible data repositories: