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Multilingual Glossaries A-C
Agriculture, Fishing
Architecture, Construction
Astronomy, Astrophysics
Dictionary of beekeeping terms
eng; fre; ita; spa. Dictionary of beekeeping terms.
Multilingual. Terminology database for the Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations.
Glossary of Crop Science Terms
eng. Glossary of terms of the various disciplines of Crop Science.
Glossary of Soil Science Terms
eng. Glossary of terms of the various disciplines of Soil Science.
fre-eng. Mini English/French dictionary for fly-fishing terms.
National Agricultural Library’s Agricultural Thesaurus
eng; spa. Online vocabulary tools of agricultural terms in English and Spanish.
eng; fre; ger; ita. Online-database of terms related to worldwide architects and buildings from past to present.
Construction Glossary from Home Building Manual
eng. Construction Glossary from Home Building Manual.
Diccionario de Arquitectura - Glosario
spa. A dictionary of Architecture - Glossary.
Glossaire de l’architecture
fre. French architecture glossary.
Glossaire des termes relatifs aux interventions sur les monuments historiques
fre. French glossary of terms on historical monuments.
American Ballet Theatre’s Online Ballet Dictionary (English)
Cadenza dictionary - a multi-lingual dictionary of musical terms (English, French, German)
Dizionario dei ruoli cinematografici (Italian)
Glossary of dance terms (English)
Glossary of photographic terms (English)
Glossary of technical theatre terms (English)
Glossaire du théâtre (French)
Names of Instruments & Voices (German, French, Italian, English, Spanish, Russian)
Online Film Dictionary (English, French, German, Spanish)
Dizionario di termini di astronomia
ita. Italian dictionary of Astronomy.
Glossaire - Les Neuf planètes
fre. French glossary of terms related to the nine planets.
Glossaire du CNES
fre. French Glossary of the National Center of Spatial Studies.
NASA’s glossary
eng. Glossary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Astronomy Thesaurus
Multilingual. The multilingual Astronomy Thesaurus
Au cactus francophone - Glossaire
fre. French glossary of plants.
Botanical Glossary Online - eFloras
chi; eng; fre; spa. Online botanical glossary.
Dictionary of plant names
Multilingual. Dictionary of plant names.
Dictionnaire de botanique
fre. French botanical dictionary.
cat; eng; spa. Online glossary and dictionary of words related to plants: the world of plants.
Glossary of botanical terms
eng; fre. English-French glossary of botanical terms.
Infojardin - Glosario
spa. Spanish glossary of botanical terms.
Searchable database for plants and animals
Multilingual. Multilingual database for plants and animals.
SilvaTerm (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations)
A multilingual databank of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations compiled by SilvaVoc, the project IUFRO of multilingual terminology for Forest Science.
Chemie Lexikon
ger. German dictionary of keywords in chemistry, pharmacy and science, and disciplines of the related natural sciences.
Portal für Organische Chemie - Lexikon der Namensreaktionen
ger. German dictionary for organic chemistry and chemical reaction terms.
Multilingual Glossaries II
Communications, Marketing
Earth and Life Sciences
Economy and Finance
fre. The French encyclopedia of Marketing.
Diccionario Marketing - Publidirecta
eng-spa. Spanish/English dictionary of Marketing related terms.
Dictionary of Marketing related terms.
Glossary of marketing definitions- IFLANET
eng. Marketing glossary developed, using Peter Bennett's Dictionary of Marketing Terms.
fre. Glossary of Marketing related terms.
Lexique de la communication - Bepub
fre. Communication and Marketing related terms glossary.
Biologie Lexikon
ger. English-German Biology lexicon.
BioTech’s Life Science Dictionary
eng. BioTech's life science dictionary.
Corso basico di meteorologia
ita. Italian metereology related terms glossary/dictionary.
Diccionario Meteorológico
spa. Spanish metereology dictionary.
Glossario - Non solo aria
ita. Italian glossary of terms related to the environment.
Glossaire international d’hydrologie - UNESCO
Multilingual. UNESCO's international hydrology glossary.
Glossaire sismologique
fre. French glossary for terms related to earthquakes.
Glossaire Météo France
fre. French meteorology related terms glossary.
Glossary of Microbiology
eng. Glossary of terms related to Microbiology.
Lexique de l’archéologie
fre. French archeology lexicon.
Lexique de Biologie humaine et terminologie médicale
fre. French lexicon of human biology and medical terminology, with about 800 definitions.
Lexique de géologie
fre. French lexicon of geology related terms.
Lexique des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
fre. French lexicon of life and earth sciences, with a selection of about 500 terms.
National Weather Service Glossary
eng. English glossary of weather-related terms.
UCMP Glossary - Biology and Paleontology
eng. Glossary of terms used in biology and paleontology in various fields.
Action pour promouvoir le French des affaires
fre. French and francophone lexicon of finance, economy and business related terms.
Cambridge Business English Dictionary
eng. Online Cambridge English Dictionary & Thesaurus.
Diccionario de la Bolsa
spa. Spanish dictionary of the stock exchange.
Diccionario de economía - BusinessCol
spa. Spanish (Columbian) dictionary of economy and business terms.
Dictionnaire d’Apprentissage du Français des Affaires - DAFA
eng; fre; ger; ita; spa. Dictionary of French business related terms.
Diccionario seguros
spa. Spanish dictionary of insurance-related terms.
L’économie de A à Z
fre. French online dictionary of economy related terms.
EuroTermBank - Portail terminologique multilingue
eng. Multilingual free online terminology resources.
Gabler Versicherungslexikon
Glosario Económico/Financiero
spa. Spanish dictionary of finance and economy-related terms.
Lexique de la Bourse - edubourse
fre. French lexicon of finance and stock exchange related terms, over 6000 terms.
Finance Glossary
Glossario di Economia e finanza
Lexique bancaire UBS - Dictionary of banking
eng; fre; ger; ita. French to Italian, German and Italian dictionary of banking.
Wirtschaftslexikon 24
ger. German lexicon of economy related terms.
IMF Terms
Multilingual. The IFM’s (International Monetary Fund) multilingual online terminology dictionary, with more than 150,000 entries.
Glossary of Energy Terms
Glossary of Wind Energy
Lexique du CEA
fre. Online lexicon of the French atomic and alternative energies’ commission.
Multilingual Glossaries III
Environment, Ecology
Human Resources, Labor Relations
IT and Internet
AquaLingua - Office International de l’Eau
Multilingual. Multilingual dictionary of technical words and expressions related to the water sector.
Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’environnement - RecyConsult
eng; fre. Encyclopedic dictionary of the environment, about 6,000 definitions on the environment, the ecology and sustainable development.
Dizionario ecologico - Educambiente
ita. Italian dictionary of ecology related terms.
EEA multilingual environmental glossary
Glossaire de termes sur l’eau - Josette Lanteigne
Glosario de análisis de aguas - Universidad autónoma de Tamaulipas
Glossario ecológico - Perú ecológico
Petit dictionnaire de l’environnement
fre. French dictionary of environmental related terms.
Terms of Environment : glossary, abbreviations and acronyms - US Environmental Protection Agency
Das Umwelt-Lexikon
ger. Online German lexicon of environmental related terms.
Glossaire européen sur l’emploi et les relations industrielles - EMIRE
Multilingual. The European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries.
Glossaire de la santé et de la sécurité au travail - EOHS Term
Multilingual. The Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety terminology site.
ILO Databases
Multilingual. The International Labour Organization's database
Chinese Computer Terminology System
chi-eng, eng-chi.
Connected : An Internet Encyclopedia
Dictionnaire de la high tech - L’Internaute
fre. French dictionary of Information Technology and telecommunication related terms.
FOLDOC - Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
eng. A computing dictionary with definitions of all computer-related terms.
Glosario Básico Inglés-Español para usuarios de Internet
Glossario informatico -
Glossario informatico -
Glossario Multimediale Internet
Glossario Telecomunicazioni (Italian)
Glossary of Internet Terms
Netplanet - Ein Internet-Lexikon
ger. Online German vocabulary of internet related terms.
Petit lexique des termes informatiques
fre-ger. French to German small lexicon of computing terms.
fre. A French lexicon of computing terms.
SNIA dictionary of Storage Networking Terminology
eng. The SNIA Dictionary for terms and definitions related to storage and other information technologies. - The Online Computer Dictionary
eng. An online computer dictionary.
Web design dictionary
eng. An online web dictionary
eng. Online access to several computer-related resources: computer dictionary, computer history museum, online business courses…
Guide pratique de la traduction juridique : anglais-français
Frédéric Houbert
Call Number: K213 .H68 2005
Publication Date: 2005
Dictionnaire de terminologie juridique
Frédéric Houbert
Call Number: K52.F7 H68 2020
Publication Date: 2020
Linguistique juridique
Gérard Cornu
Call Number: K213 .C67 2005
Publication Date: 2005
Dictionnaire des difficultés de l'anglais des contrats, anglais-français : index français-anglais
Frédéric Houbert
Call Number: K840 .H68 2006
Publication Date: 2006
Dictionnaire du droit privé
fre. A French dictionary for private Law.
Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch
ger. German legal dictionary.
Diccionario jurídico
spa. A Spanish dictionary of legal terms.
Dizionario di diritto privato francese
ita. Italian-French dictionary of private Law.
FindLaw - Law Dictionary
eng. Legal dictionary.
English-Chinese Glossary of legal terms
Lexique juridique-Net-iris - Le portail juridique des professionnels
Lexique juridique du droit du travail - Juritravail
fre. French dictionary of labor law.
Nolo’s Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions
Rechtswörterbuch im Überblick
English-Portuguese Glossary of Legal Terms
eng; por. Compiled by the office of the Administrative Office of the Courts in Trenton, NJ.
Legal Glossaries and Terminology
American Sign Language Legal Terminology
Video glossary of legal terms/legal terminology search engine.
French-English and English-French Lexica
Developed by the University of Saint-Boniface, Canada.
Diccionario de matemáticas
spa. Diccionario de matemáticas.
fre. French dictionary for mathematics-related terms.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
Glossario di matematica - Facoltà di Scienze (Varese)
Mathematical Programming Glossary
Mathematisches Lexikon
ger. Glossary of mathematics related terms in German.
Mathematisches Wörterbuch
ger-eng. Glossary of mathematics related terms in German-English.
Multilingual Glossaries IV
Medicine, Genetics
Sciences and Technology
spa. Spanish medical dictionary.
fre. French online lexicon of medical terms.
Encyclopedia of Veterinary Terms
English-Chinese Medical Dictionary - Dr Dict
Glosario de términos genéticos (Spanish)
Glossaire Myonet - Génétique moléculaire - Génie génétique
fre. Glossary of molecular biology/ genetics terms in French-English.
Glosario de medicina
spa. Glossary of medical terms in Spanish.
Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms
Lexique de terminologie médicale-Bio Top
fre. Glossary of medical terms in French.
Medical Dictionary Search Engines
MedTerms -
Dictionnaire médical de l'Académie de Médecine
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
English-Chinese Glossary of WMD Terms
Glosario del Ministerio de Defensa de España
spa. Glossary of terms put together by the Defense Secretary of Spain.
Glossaire OTAN-Russie de termes politiques et militaires contemporains
Glosario de conceptos políticos Usuales
spa. Glossary of politics related terms in Spanish.
Glossaire de la construction européenne, des institutions et de l’activité de l’Union européenne
Multilingual. Glossary of the institutions and activities of the European Union.
Glossary of parliamentary terms
Glossario politico e sociale
spa. Glossary of terms related to politics and sociology in Spanish.
Lexique en français de la politique
fre. A site for French politics vocabulary related terms.
Das Politiklexikon
ger. German dictionary of politics related terms.
Dictionary of Science & Technology
eng; fre; ita; rus.
Dictionary of Woodworking Terms
Dictionnaire des sciences
fre. French-English dictionary of sciences.
Glossaire de la parfumerie
fre. Glossary of terms related to perfume and cologne.
Glossaire international de la céramique
Multilingual. Multilingual glossary of ceramic related terms.
Glossary of Terms on Antique Chinese and Japanese Pottery and Porcelain
Dictionary of Units of Measurement
Lexique de la menuiserie
fre. A French site for carpentry lexicon/vocabulary.
Lexique de la tannerie
Lexique du vocabulaire minier
fre. A French site for mine related lexicon/vocabulary.
Metric Methods - SI Unit and Prefix and Names in Chinese
eng-chi. English-Chinese glossary for mine related terms and SI units.
TechDico - Dictionnaire technique
TermSciences - Terminologie scientifique
World of Physics
eng. Glossary of terms related to Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry & Maths.
Dictionnaire fluvial et batelier - Projet Babel
Dictionary of automotive terms
Dizionario tecnico dell’ autobilismo
Glossaire à l’intention des pilotes et du personnel des services et de la circulation aérienne
fre. Glossary of terms for pilots and air traffic workers.
Glossaire de la technologie automobile
fre. Glossary of automotive related terms.
Glossary of Shipping Terms
Lexilogos - Dictionnaires maritimes
fre. Dictionary of naval-related terms.
Lexique Dassault de l’aviation
fre-eng. Glossary of aviation-related terms.
Lexique de navigation maritime
fre-eng. Lexicons of maritime navigation related terms.
Lexique technique (English-French-Japanese) du Génie automobile et mécanique
eng; fre; jpn. Trilingual Lexicon of terms related to the automotive and mechanical field.
Multilingual Bicycle’s Vocabulary - BICIKL
Avibase - La base ornithologique mondiale
Multilingual. The world bird database.
Dictionnaire trilingue d’entomologie
eng; fre; ger. Trilingual dictionary of entomology.
Glossaire de zoologie - HYPPZ - INRA
Glossary of animal names
Center for Translation and Interpreting >>
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