ArcGIS and ArcMAP are available in the lab in CELS 123, and remotely through Citrix.
In order to access ArcMAP, you will need to use the web-based "light" version of Citrix. You do not need to download the Citrix Receiver program.
Log in using your Montclair State NetID and password.
If you have previously used the lab in CELS 123 to access ArcMAP, you may have stored your files on a USB flash drive. In order to access your files through ArcMAP in Citrix, you will need to copy your files onto the N:\ drive (your Montclair files drive.)
Once you have mapped your N:\ drive to your personal computer, copy the files from the folder in your USB drive where you store your lab assignments into the N:\ drive. You will need to add the folder in its new location back into ArcCatalog.
Once that is done, you will be able to access your files through the N:\ drive in ArcMap in Citrix. You will also be able to access them from any campus computer which allows you to access your N:\ drive (including those in CELS 123.)
Remember to save your files with relative file pathways instead of static!