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Bloomberg Terminals

An introduction to the Bloomberg Terminals available on campus.

What is a Bloomberg Terminal?

Each terminal provides access to data about more than 5 million bonds, equities, commodities, currencies, and funds.  Bloomberg contains data about almost every publicly traded company in the world, as well as the profiles of more than a million people.

Thanks to the Feliciano School of Business for generously sharing two terminals with the Sprague Library!

Who to contact if there are technical problems with the terminals?

Call SBUS Tech at extension x5491 or drop by their office in the School of Business, Suite 230.
Hours:  M-Th:  8am-9pm and Friday: 8am-4pm

Access: Who can use the Bloomberg Terminals and where are they?

Who can use the Bloomberg Terminals?

Current students and employees of Montclair State University may access the terminals. 
A current Montclair State NetID is required.

Note:  Alumni do not have access.

Where are the Bloomberg Terminals located?

  • Sprague Library, 1st Floor:  Reference and Research Services.  (2 Terminals)

The Bloomberg Terminals cannot be accessed remotely.

What is available?

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