The Sprague Library Archives is a repository for many of the documents and other materials relating to the history of Montclair State College/University, the Panzer College of Physical Education and Hygiene, and College High School. It is available for reference and research by administrators, faculty, students, alumni and other interested parties.
This is a postcard of College Hall which can be seen in the MSU Buildings Collection. The postcard is undated, but the School was renamed Montclair State Teachers College in 1927, so the postcard is probably from before that date.
The Archives are located in Room 138 on the first floor of the Harry A. Sprague Library. There is also a Reading Room to view items on the upper floor -- Room 219.
Access is by appointment. Please contact Paul Martinez: 973 655-3465 or the Front Desk: 973-655-4288.
Please see the Archives Use Policy.
The Library collects and maintains the following resources in the Sprague Library Archives:
The following are not actively collected:
The Sprague Library Archives welcomes donations relating to the history of Montclair State College/University, College High School, or the Panzer College of Physical Education. Please see the policy for donation of materials below:
Donors must also complete a Deed of Gift form available below:
Before sending a donation, please contcact Paul Martinez at or (973) 655-3465