Professor Fives is in the Educational Foundations Department.
Managing Classroom Assessment to Enhance Student Learning (eBook) by Nicole Barnes; Helenrose FivesAs teachers are required to integrate an increasing number of assessment practices into the classroom, it is crucial that they have effective routines for organizing and evaluating the generated data. Managing Classroom Assessment to Enhance Student Learning introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the major categories of assessment management and provides empirical and theoretical support for their effectiveness. In-depth chapters consider management in the context of assigning and collecting work, interpreting and organizing assessment results, and providing students with feedback.
ISBN: 9780429453663
Publication Date: 2020-04-23 Professor Barnes and Professor Fives are in the Department of Educational Foundations
Teachable Moments by Eric J. WeinerTeachable Moments is a collection of essays about education, cultural politics and practices of self-care that are connected by their focus on the essential lessons we can learn from everyday experiences in times of crisis. The essays are "critical" in their attention to how power operates in the spheres of politics, culture and education as a veil that hides various mechanisms of influence and control. These mechanisms, like cogs in a well-oiled machine, turn quietly and consistently, forming the backdrop against which the drama of daily life unfolds. Although the essays in this collection can stand on their own, they are in deep, yet not always obvious, conversations with each other. A discussion about the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of living with and caring for a child with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) merges into trenchant examinations of Trumpism, neofascism, and white supremacy, which then dovetail into a cultural study of boots and sexuality. Disparate and wide-ranging in subject matter, these essays weave together a story about what it means to live an engaged life