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Legal Research

A tutorial and resources for Legal Research available at the Sprague Library.

Statutory Law, Federal

The sources for Federal statutory law are readily available in the Sprague Library.

The Constitution of the United States is the source of legal authority for all Federal and state governments in the country and can be found in a wide variety of locations. The most likely are listed below:
  • The edition online at the National Archives
  • Copies at the beginning of the U.S.C. and U.S.C.A.
  • Online in Westlaw.
After a bill becomes a law it is first published as a slip law and then in chronological order within the United States Statutes at Large.  The current edition of United States Statutes at Large is only available in the Legal Reference collection.  (see below)

The United States Code and United States Code Annotated contain the statutes organized into 50 broad subject areas called titles. The relevant cases, historical notes, and cross-references that are contained in the annotations in the U.S.C.A. will make it an invaluable tool for your legal research. Paper editions of both are available in the Legal Reference collection and are online as well through Westlaw. (see links below)

Primary Sources (Organized chronologically)

Secondary Sources (Finding Aids Organized by Subject)

Statutory Law, State

Primary Sources (Organized chronologically)

Secondary Sources (Finding Aids Organized by Subject)

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