ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier. ORCID provides a unique identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and supports automatic links among all your professional activities. Despite changes in name, affiliation, or language, your ORCID iD will ensure that research institutions, funders, and publishers can easily identify and attribute your work to you. An ORCID iD is often required to apply for grants, publish your research, or present at conferences.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
You can book a Zoom or in-person appointment with a library specialist who will walk you through setting up and optimizing your ORCID iD. You will be asked to share your screen and/or CV during this process. During this appointment, we will help you:
If time allows, we will also help you link your ORCID to your Scopus AuthorID or other platforms. This will further automate the accurate tracking of your research outputs and their impact, meaning less work for you!
This work was reused in part from the University of Utah ORCID Guide and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.